Event Exhibit Information

Secret Summoner

A young fledgling hero sets out on a journey to teach misbehaving monsters a lesson. But little does he know his own mother tags along to support the youngster from the shadows in this action puzzle game!

Hello. This is WakuWaku Games. Thank you very much for your attention to[b] "Secret Summoner"[/b]. Now, this is a topic for those in the Tokyo area, but we have arranged an opportunity for you to experience "Secret Summoner" ahead of time on May 3 during the Golden Week holidays. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43345394/b48cfac963c83592f5b07ecc31c5d5875976b43f.png[/img] We will be exhibiting at Polyscape's indie game event "cafe IGD's tokyo" to be held on May 3 at Note Place in Gaienmae. The event will be held from 12:00 to 17:00, and admission is free. As the name suggests, the lounge will be a space where you can also enjoy coffee. If you are interested in this and other indie game productions, please come and join us. Here is an outline of the event: [url=https://note.com/polyscape/n/na84c7ede9faf][b]「cafe IGD's tokyo(IndieGameDeveloper's)」のご案内[/b][/url] *Event information page is in Japanese only.