ENIGMA: Version 1.3 Released


Enigma is an atmospheric, full-length visual novel where you discover the secrets of Enigma, a worldwide epidemic, and a forest on a lonely island that bears its name.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26010749/a24332d028f5f4b2b43e4b9b52f0e468c2e16b31.png[/img] Version 1.3 of [b]ENIGMA:[/b] is now live with a number of improvements. Changes: [list][*]Improved the spacing of menu items (requires starting a new game from main menu)[/list] Fixes: [list][*]Fixed a bug allowing you to try to load empty save slots [*]Corrected the text in the background of empty save slots [*]Fixed a bug that would in some scenes leave graphic artifacts on the left side of the screen if playing in full-screen mode[/list]