Enhanced Demo Launched

Made Marion

A romantic action-adventure visual novel based on Robin Hood lore. Play as Lady Marion and choose what kind of leader and lover you want to become. Join Robin's rowdy rebels in Sherwood or tackle the political pitfalls of the Sheriff's Nottingham. Fight for freedom and fall in love!

VC Games is proud to announce a new, enhanced demo release for Made Marion! It includes a bunch of graphical and sound enhancements as well as a brand-new Sherwood Chapter 2, making the Sherwood and Nottingham sides of the demo more equal in length. [b]Major Enhancements:[/b] [list] [*] Sherwood Chapter 2 - Get ready to have some swordy fun with the lads! [*] Accessibility Options Screen - Easy Access to Font Changes, Voicing, and Animation Toggles [*] Ambient Sound [*] New Sprites for Major Characters [*] Sprites for Secondary Characters Like Theo and Nell [*] Cut-in Graphics in Several Scenes [*] Animations for Combat and Magic [*] Super Cool Tarot Cards [*] More Backgrounds [*] ...and probably a few things I've forgotten! [/list] [b]Known Issues:[/b] [list] [*] Full-Screen ("CG") Illustrations Not Complete. A few sketch versions can be seen in Nottingham. All love interests will eventually have a CG in their first common chapter. [*] Gui's hat has gone walkabout. It will return in the final game! [*] The Extras section is not available in the demo. It is for full-game unlockables. [*] Some facial expressions may not display correctly upon rollback. [/list]