End of early access 01/10/2020

Train Station Renovation - First Job

Welcome to the prologue to Train Station Renovation. This is where you will learn and teach how to renovate these small and the largest train stations in the world.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33426656/119f536804213637523ab010289d2971f7aa5ce6.png[/img] [h2]End of early access on 01/10/2020[/h2] After the date is announced, we invite you to spend time with us during the full game launch. We have prepared many competitions and attractions for you that you will surely like. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33426656/ca4f7238da321eb285a1e41481a79e33e817d576.png[/img] [list] [h3]What's new in the full game?[/h3] [*][b]New Maps![/b] [*] New trains [*] Added community translations [*] Added game optimization [*] Corrected translations [*] New items added to the store [*] Station building painting [*] Trains painting [/list] [list] [h3]What's at launch[/h3] [*] Livestream [*] Giveaway [*] Q&A [*] Community challange results [/list] Best regards Train Station Renovation team [url=https://discord.gg/aH9HgjK][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33426656/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/914010/Train_Station_Renovation/