End of an era

Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn

Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn is a challenging, fast paced, 2D survival shooter! Featuring a compelling single player survival mode and cooperative multiplayer for up-to four players, this is one zombie firefight you're not going to want to miss!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/7938712/23a9e843d624c41e29986fb680b21f8f672f9a5b.jpg[/img] [h1]ZKW-Reborn will be removed from the Play Store on June 5th.[/h1] Google has been looking for apps that use older development tools within them, that may cause the app to have some sort of an security issue, since 2016. Until now, Google has only blocked these apps from being updated (if they haven't updated the development tools that had the security issue in the first place) but now, Google is actually starting to remove any apps from it's Play Store that still have the outdated development tools in use. Including ZKW-Reborn. [h1]And you're saying you're too lazy to click that "update" button?[/h1] Unfortunately, there is basically nothing I can do to stop this from happening. The only thing that would prevent this, is to update ZKW in the Play Store, but that is quite simply too late for that. Since the game was made with a really old version of GameMaker Studio 1, bringing the game up to Studio 1.4, and then Studio 2 would be a-LOT of hassle in itself, but it'd also require a ton of other development tools to be updated, as well as (obviously) making sure everything worked as they should. Even if I did this, I would also need to update every other platform the game is on (iOS, Windows, Mac) since it is a cross-platform multiplayer afterall, and updating only one version would cause serious issues within the game. And, that's not even all there is. The server is also made in GameMaker, meaning that I'd need to update that as well. All in all, all this would take me something like 6 months to make, which at this point is too late, since the removal will be happening in less than a month. [h1]So, what happens next?[/h1] As far as I know, anyone who has previously installed ZKW-Reborn on their Android device, will still be able to re-download it, activate any in-app-purchases (such as Full Version) and play the game to it's fullest. With the exception of not being able to purchase any more ZKW-Points or anything else with real money within the game. With that said, I will still keep the multiplayer servers up and running. Android version is still bringing in more money, than Steam and iOS combined, so I'm not too sure how long I'm going to be able to keep the servers up. But I'll try my best to keep them running as long as there are players around. [h1]Me is anger !!1![/h1] I'm sure I'm going to piss a-lot of you guys off, but trust me. I'm pissed as well. ZKW-Reborn was the first game I ever released with Still Running, and Android was the first platform I ever released a game to. ZKW-Reborn kept me alive for the longest time, and the community of the game has been super passionate, and I appreciate that. ZKW-Reborn wouldn't exist without you guys. Still Running wouldn't exist without you guys. [b]Thank you.[/b] Hail ZKW-Reborn. Have fun while it still last's. Let's make this final month of ZKW-Reborn the biggest in years!