ENCODYA - First small update released!


Neo Berlin 2062. Tina – a nine-year-old orphan – lives with SAM-53 – her big clumsy robot guardian –in a rooftop makeshift shelter in Neo-Berlin, a dark megalopolis controlled by corporations.

Cyberpunk-Fans! Thanks to the technology of 2062, we can release the first small update this quickly. [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list][*]Fixed a bug about Blixy: 'Look At' and 'Pick' interactions are now disabled after getting the keys. [*]Fixed a bug about 'Traffic Bot' giving you twice the 'Police Permission'. [*]Fixed a bug about reactivating the UI when quitting the very last Terminal. [*]Fixed a small bug, which caused the Russian font not displaying buttons in the Main Menu. [*]Fixed a small bug on the 'Total Game Played' at the very end.[/list] [h1]Misc.[/h1] [list][*]Disabled Mac Retina Support that might cause slow performance on Mac.[/list] [h1]Thank you for your ongoing support for ENCODYA![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35669041/e113d98588dfac0bd7bfec5d8d855f1b350ab2db.gif[/img]