Employee Update Preview - Packing House 0.2

Packing House

Start your own online store! Buy products from wholesalers and list them profitably on the Internet. Increase your shipping capacity and assortment. Ensure timely delivery to customers and that everyone receives the goods they ordered. Beware of negative reviews as they can spoil your reputation!

Hi everyone! First of all: we apologize that we have been so quiet! The game has not been abandoned, and we are still working to bring you new updates. Many factors contributed to this delay but the main one was the change of jobs of our lead programmer :). As you may know, the title is being developed after hours and therefore we can't rule out further delays. [h2]Employee Update Preview:[/h2] A test version of the latest Packing House update, marked as 0.2 with the new feature of hiring an employee, has just landed on the testing branch. Anyone who is interested can check it out right now! Want to join testing? [olist] [*] Right-click on Packing House in your library and select "Properties...". [*] Go to the "Betas" tab. [*] Enter the password "[b]PackTestHouse[/b]" and confirm it. [*] Select "test" from the drop-down list and close the window. [*] Wait for the game to be updated. [/olist] As soon as we finish testing, we will the update available on the main branch. Until then make sure to report to us any problems or other feedback here or on our [url=https://discord.gg/ZyGwQWhbcv]Discord[/url] server. Marcin, Jakub & Adrian [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [list] [*] Added ability to hire an employee [*] Changed the entertainment system [*] Changed penalties for bringing entertainment to a low level [*] Added ability to preview items required for orders while being in the wholesaler [*] Added ability to reorder orders without using a computer [*] Added influence of time speed on the regeneration rate of entertainment while watching TV or sitting by the fireplace [*] Changed the warning system (added ability to display multiple at once) [*] Added a warning when the courier is waiting outside the house [*] Fixed bug that activated the tutorial after changing the game language [*] Fixed a bug that caused the item ghost to be missing from the shelf [*] Fixed formatting of prices in the wholesale store [*] Improved gameplay balance [*] Changed the size of some items [*] From now on, sprinting consumes more energy [*] Optimized lighting performance [*] Optimized overall game performance [/list]