Employee of The Month - Available September 21 2022

Employee of The Month

An atmospheric retro inspired survival horror game. Enjoy the late shift at 'The Month' in an abstract and unsettling night of terror, spooks and convenience.

[h1]Hello all Impending Employees! [/h1] We now have an official release date of [b]September 21 2022[/b]! The game will be available for $10. Be sure to wishlist it if you haven't already! Actually I'm not sure you can even get this without wishlisting in the first place....[i]but do it anyway okay?![/i] Be sure to check out the trailer too while you're here. [previewyoutube=boH2_Jc8TB8;full][/previewyoutube] We're excited to see what you all think, but for the time being ; [h2]"BEYZN LUINNE OFRL!?"[/h2] - keV