Emperor’s new clothes

Your Dead Majesty

👑 Your Dead Majesty is an isometric, dark, and humorous real-time strategy game focused on building a right army composition. Command your squad of goofy underlings to victory!

Hello, Our dear subjects, good to see you. As you may have noticed, Your Dead Majesty is back with some new clothes. It is a pretty drastic change in art style and it was a hard decision to make but we’ve ultimately decided to go in this direction as we believe it will be better for the game. That being said, we know that many of you were looking forward to playing YDM in its old incarnation and change is always difficult, so we owe you a bit of an explanation. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NidBtFYinlWQTPeRBq/giphy.gif[/img] Back when YDM was still sugary sweet and full of chocolate, we’ve sent out some levels to get playtested. The feedback was honest and fair and we listened very carefully. One phrase kept echoing throughout - LACK OF CLARITY. So we got to work fixing the bugs and trying to improve the visibility of existing assets and finally sent the game out for another round of testing. Same thing: LACK OF CLARITY. We tried switching some things out, the game got a little less cute but it seemed worth it as long as we got it to be more readable. LACK OF CLARITY. We tried one last time, and this time the game was kind of a Frankenstein(‘s monster) with half old assets and half new, really pushed it. LACK OF CLARITY. At this point, it was clear that we should stop fighting this uphill battle, and simplify the design. That is how we’ve arrived at the current iteration. It’s still cute, and it’s still YDM, it just looks a little... different. But different is not always bad, especially if it improves the readability of the game, and ultimately leads to a better player experience. We hope you will like the change and are just as excited as we are for the new chapter in Your Dead Majesty’s development. If you like what you see, consider wishlisting the game. If you have some choice words about the new design, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below, we are still open to feedback and will hear out every voice! If you’d like to get straight to the source and talk to the devs, our community discord is open to everyone HERE. Farewell, our little underlings https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431540/Your_Dead_Majesty