Elf Manor Gameplay Instruction

[h1]Title Screen[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/7d05984ff8d5d20cd28cbf6952f7d52afbf5ae3a.jpg[/img] [h1]Language[/h1] You may change the language at the bottom right corner in the title screen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/b65435d320613d7c8db518a489ddd8a393e50645.jpg[/img] [h1]Continue[/h1] Click “Continue” to play the last save you had played. [h1]New Game[/h1] Select Mode There are Building Mode and Challenge Mode you can choose to play. Building mode is easier than challenge mode, but it’s still challengeable for a newbie. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/7bdacae672cb63b01e51b3cb5396ad22e9dd6838.jpg[/img] [h1]Create a character[/h1] Nickname: enter a nickname for your avatar. Talents: roll your talents. The weapons, armors, and some other items you equipped depend on your talents. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/be11ec47044a70e1ce30062632d03011779fb5b8.jpg[/img] [h1]Load Game[/h1] You can choose the save files you played before. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/ecd8ca64e25dc3fb5e67af4463a5d7f3d60878e4.jpg[/img] [h1]Options[/h1] Adjust the settings. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/83accfd57f6db628c79ff9184ca31e136bb79af4.jpg[/img] [h1]Enter the game[/h1] The first time you enter the game, you are nobody. You are weak and lack of resources. The only thing you have to remember is staying alive. Your mission is to grow up and build the Monster Tower. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/d89f30551b0e4ba9bf3ec8d585425c4a80b5ed8c.jpg[/img] [h1]Move the camera[/h1] Press WASD to move the camera. W→up A→left S→down D→right [h1]Pause and Accelerate[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/cbcf6e732f17dea3eefab8a2aef42598e98bb05a.jpg[/img] You may control the speed of the game at the bottom-right corner on the screen. Pause: pause the game. Hotkey [space]. X1 Speed: the standard speed of the game. Hotkey [1]. X4 Speed: 4 times the standard speed. Hotkey [2] X8 Speed: 8 times the standard speed. Hotkey [3] X16 Speed: 16 times the standard speed. Hotkey [4]. The icon is not shown on the screen. Please use X16 Speed wisely. X32 Speed: 32 times the standard speed. Hotkey [5]. The icon is not shown on the screen. Please use X32 Speed wisely. [h1]Select a character[/h1] Left click the portrait of the character or your elf to select the individual. Then you have control over the individual. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/ff304d8c8699355345490c3d173cfa85f6f0eaa0.jpg[/img] [h1]Resources Display[/h1] The items, materials, foods, etc. you have obtained are shown in your bag and inventory. The resource list on the left of the screen gives you a quick look to all resources. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/620404bb1de9c5201dbe7d4d988010b3e8711dcc.jpg[/img] [h1]Profile[/h1] Select an individual and click the portrait on the bottom left to open the profile. It shows all the attributes of the individual. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/dc08eb0494a7fd6bb099c014b61c458b953e8f87.jpg[/img] [h1]Use an item[/h1] Select an item in your bag or inventory, the options will be shown under the item. You may use or discard the item, or move them between bag and inventory. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/6037e4abbe3390bde4d210911d9c73969e378ff9.jpg[/img] [h1]Do it now[/h1] Right click the furniture or land you can interact with to select “do it now”, then the character will do the work you selected first. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/fcf71a5f921cce43da51d875c0a99a992434fe71.jpg[/img] [h1]Priority[/h1] You may adjust the priority list at the top right corner to decide the works you are willing to do first. “1” gives the work the highest priority, empty means do not do it. The order of the works doesn’t influence the priority. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/d80e8ca67774c7b5ed9087f2e3817003650cec78.jpg[/img] [h1]The three indices[/h1] The three indices are hunger, emotion, and energy. All the works you do will consume the three indices. Once you have run out of any one of them, you will die! Hunger: having meals at the dining table recovers your hunger. Emotion: treadmill and TV recover your emotion. Energy: sleeping in bed or couch recover your energy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/8741d1ae58e06aa2b0067f2041b3ba0a9b62c08f.jpg[/img] [h1]Good Energy/Evil Energy[/h1] Evil energy and good energy are opposite to each other. Evil energy increases with time and suppresses good energy at the same time. The whole world will be filled with evil energy once the good energy turns to zero, as a result, the world will collapse, and the game is over. Good energy and evil energy are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Killing evil monsters can reduce the evil energy of the world. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/412a0e2968188c1c86af10d7d2aba7529c4f40ff.jpg[/img] [h1]Farm crops and raise animals[/h1] When you first time enters the game, all you can do is to farm crops and raise animals. Both of the works can provide the necessary survival materials to you. You will obtain resources like vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat, etc. This is also the basis of all game activities. Then you can handcraft foods, equipment, items, and medicines using raw materials. You may left click a piece of empty land and drag a type of crops or animals onto the land to start farming. Then the character will do the works according to the priority you set. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/364c4a19eb346898beab80db9220ac919a17275d.jpg[/img] You may right click a piece of land to set up how you want to treat a mature land. Harvest fruits or cut down the tree, collect eggs, milk, wool, or butcher livestock. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/b02a741724379840760f11189a64eb11dab7a907.jpg[/img] [h1]Research[/h1] You can research all kinds of technologies at the laboratory and then handcraft better food, medicine, furniture, weapon, armor, and special material. Different items have different properties which will give you different abilities. Researching work will cost you a lot of time and the three indices. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/11d699ffc5d1219902e7967126ce34d2c7f72d74.jpg[/img] [h1]Cook[/h1] Left click the kitchen to add recipes of foods and medicines to the to-do list. You may adjust the value of the foods you want to cook. Then the character will do the works according to the priority you set. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/59d7e54ab6a9b161bc4e9f9914b673fc55497c75.jpg[/img] [h1]Handcraft[/h1] Left click the workshop (anvil) to add recipes of furniture, equipment, and items to the to-do list. You may adjust the value you want to handcraft. Then the character will do the works according to the priority you set. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/f1816bd967e18684cd563fd4b6e650daf8605ce1.jpg[/img] Click the “!” to select the materials you want to use to handcraft a piece of equipment. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/6a43ae7c8c7f7ac9c1d8c1d548c29554d9155f6e.jpg[/img] [h1]Mine[/h1] Whenever you collect resources from a mature land, there’s always a chance to find ores. The messages are listed on the right of the screen. You may click the messages to collect the ores. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/2eb8fc1668606b1b88085660eb2435aee369401b.jpg[/img] [h1]Hatch[/h1] You may put the elf eggs in the nest to hatch it. You need to keep interacting with the nest to make the progress bar to grow. Once the progress bar is completed, you will get a baby elf. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/96a5a5a781164ba60dcb788c112dac114360363a.jpg[/img] [h1]Train[/h1] Baby elves don’t contribute anything to your manor. You have to keep training them until they grow up. They will obtain up to three random abilities when they grow up. [h1]Abilities of the elves[/h1] Click the elf portrait at the bottom left corner to open the elf interface. Elf interface shows the abilities (the works them can do) of each elf. You may set the priorities of each elf’s work(s). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/a0aa9904fe700ab40ac6792594b3c86d0a19c1f3.jpg[/img] [h1]Events[/h1] The negative events happen randomly and influence your lands or your character (elves). Once you encountered any event, the red alerts will be shown on the right of the screen. Agricultural events: insect, drought, and malnutrition. You may research the corresponding recipes to deal with these events. Individual events: insomnia and malnutrition. You may research the corresponding recipes to deal with these events. [h1]The World[/h1] You may click the “World” button on the right of the screen, then click “Ready” to enter the world. The world is made up of hexagon blocks. Every time you move to another block consumes the three indices (hunger, emotion, and energy). There are a lot of evil monsters and treasures waiting for you to explore. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/1b646e4d2c3ce12172656780b3cf72ecef00c3d1.jpg[/img] [h1]Move the camera[/h1] The same as the manor, you may press WASD to move the camera in the world. You may also rotate the camera in the world by holding the right mouse button. [h1]Move[/h1] You may click a block to walk your character there. The path shows the amount of the blocks you will walk through and the values of the three indices will be consumed. Walking in the world is still dangerous even if you don’t fight with evil monsters. You will be affected by debuffs randomly. [h1]Bag[/h1] You may open your bag by clicking the portrait at the bottom left. [h1]Monsters[/h1] Once you encountered a monster, you may choose to fight or leave. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/a6f5facd7ca846b8b5ac0bd9d6a0dcd796914df7.jpg[/img] [h1]Combat[/h1] The combat is turn-based. The action order is shown on the top of the screen. You can use your abilities and items to defeat the monsters. Some elves also have the ability to fight. You can left click the icon to cast a spell. There are some spells give you or your elves a buff, you may left click to choose a target, then cast the buff. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/37e6f13f4b926930ddcebfd39bfad1ed2784567e.jpg[/img] [h1]Combat Spells[/h1] All the spells can be used in combat come from the weapons. The spells of a weapon generate randomly when you finish handcrafting it. Each equipment has durability, once the durability turned to zero, the equipment is broken and disappear. Unfortunately, there is no repairing technology left in the world anymore. There are five tiers of the equipment: gray, green, blue, purple, and orange. The higher the tier, the better the attributes. Using rare materials to handcraft a piece of equipment usually gives you higher quality equipment. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36016750/3393d12d6e1740dd3cdd6863214f4a181c595583.jpg[/img] Be prepared and enter the world of Elf Manor now!