El Prez wants you to nominate Tropico 6 for the 'Labor of Love' Award

Tropico 6

El Presidente is back! Prove yourself once again as a feared dictator or peace-loving statesman on the island state of Tropico and shape the fate of your very own banana republic through four distinctive eras.

[b][i]Tropicans![/i][/b] El Presidente is thrilled to be in the running for this year’s Steam Awards, and demands nothing less than absolute success for Tropico. He has run his beloved island for 4 years now and spread terro- uhm, free content with his 21 Updates since the release. Featuring new buildings like the Dungeon Entrance, maps, edicts, landmarks and languages. And with the recently added modding support for PC, he expresses his infinite love to YOU (as long as you vote for him!) Want to give love back to your favourite Presidente? Vote [b]Tropico 6[/b] as [b]'Labor of Love'[/b]…or else! [i]Vote El Prez! Or else...[/i]