EarlyAccess_2.4.8 - Earth Online Access Pass now available for purchase

-Add ability to purchase a 30 or 90 day Earth Online+ access pass in-game using the Steam purchasing system. -Price is set to $10 for 30 days and $24 for 90 days. -Replace topo map with bing maps (Earth Online Only). -Make the in-game map infinite in size (Earth Online Only). -Make in-game map 3D with the ability to tilt the map (Earth Online Only). -Make flight path 3D so you can see the vertical component to your flight (Earth Online Only). -Fix issue with VR "Calibrate Center Position"sometimes not being directly in front of the user at times. -Increase the level of detail distance for Earth Online Maps. -Add UI buttons for recenter, zoom and tilt in-game map. -Update UI weather icons. -Add Oahu Hawaii to Earth Online Map select screen. -Add custom controls overrides for hang glider input. -Fix issue where you couldn't reposition the glider in operator mode.