Early Access Update 1 In Progress


Explore the beautiful island of Bearonia and defend Bears, Turtles, and Rabbits from the minions of the evil Toad King. Wield three unique weapons and fight over 12 different enemies with their own unique attacks. Feel powerful. Explore the world. Prepare Your Bear.

Hi All! I'm working on a set of new features I will be packaging in a first big update to the game, hopefully about 3 months from now. I post daily what I am working on over at [url=https://twitter.com/BearHammerGames]https://twitter.com/BearHammerGames[/url] Here are the big features coming for this first update: [list] [*] Adding Snap Turn Movement Option [*] New Map with Open World Feel--no more waves, game will play more like skyrim/zelda with different wandering enemies and different boss encounters that pop up as you travel through the world. [*] New Dungeon Map--Dungeon Maps are designed to be small, difficult maps with a high density of enemies and some unique terrain/obstacles--clearing these will be difficult! [*] Improved foliage/trees/lighting [*] Improved Tutorial [*] Improved Settings Menu with laser pointers, no more throwing hammers at widgets [*] New Character Model & 3rd person locomotion option [*] New Shop for buying items/upgrades [*] Climbing System and Climbing Puzzles [/list]