Early access update 0.9.810

Dragon Evo

A fantasy themed card game and deckbuilder with elements from RPGs and strategy games. Manage resources, utilize strategic placement and use additional building cards, event cards and action cards to win. Single player, online ranked or unranked - play with or without your friends.

[h2]Hey peeps! [/h2] We keep iterating over, and improving the in-game experience to make it more engaging and fun to play! In todays update we're introducing better visual indication of gold and action points spent and generated, and also introducing post-game statistics. [h2]Changed / added[/h2] [list] [*] Action points counter are now treated identical to gold counter [*] Gold replenishment are now shown from the card that replenishes, as well as stealing, generating and using gold in general [*] Replenishment is now done on first turn, rather than when pressing ready. This further reduces the advantage of going first since you can no longer steal from the opponent before they've started. [*] Post-game statistics screen, showing you a selection of statistics [/list] Enjoy!