Early Access Tomorrow!

The Technician

The Technician is a VR action puzzle game about hacking your way through security systems. Usually while being shot at.

The Technician's Early Access release date is [b]tomorrow[/b]! I'm excited to see what people think of the game, and anxious to see how I can make it better. A few things I want to cover about the state of the game, what to expect, and where I'm planning to go from here: [list] [*]Price is $15 USD[/*] [*]This is an early alpha, so content is limited to around 20 levels, about half tutorials and half challenges.[/*] [*]The in-game editor won't be ready [i]quite[/i] in time for launch, but it is in a final round of testing to make sure it's at least passably functional so it'll be along shortly! If you want to help out by being an early tester for it, see the details at the end of this post.[/*] [*]The primary goal right now is to get player feedback, so [u]please[/u] let me know what you think by sending an email to [url=mailto:support@dumbgame.company]support@dumbgame.company[/url] or by starting a thread on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/839960/discussions/]discussions page.[/url] Seriously, send it; I can't make a great game without your input![/*] [*]The issues I plan on tackling for the next couple updates: [list] [*]Further improvements to the editor (better chip configuration and Steamworks support for sharing).[/*] [*]A couple additional components that are near-ready, and some puzzles to go with them.[/*] [*]Some video clips or gifs to accompany some of the more complicated tutorials and informational messages.[/*] [*]Whatever I hear back from you folks, so go check it out and tell me about it:[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [h1]Elevator Core Security is hiring engineers![/h1] Job qualifications: [list] [*]Have purchased The Technician[/*] [*]Have finished the current alpha content (or not, whatever, I ain't gonna check)[/*] [*]Can handle dealing with numerous bugs[/*] [*]Will happily yell at me about the numerous bugs[/*] [*]Are willing to exchange files and interface with me over email[/*] [*]Want to play around with making your own circuit puzzles to thwart other technicians (mainly me)[/*] [/list] If you meet the above requirements, please apply by sending an email to [url=mailto:support@dumbgame.company]support@dumbgame.company[/url] with the subject 'EDITOR' and I'll get you access to the preview branch of the game.