EAC Removed, Performance enhancements and more


Raspberry is a simple and fun way to collect and trade raspberries with others. Most importantly to declare war on the evil banana's!

Hello Raspberry Army! Per our announcement earlier, view it [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/3048820/view/4230650600748165141?l=english]here[/url], we have released an update! [list] [*]Easy Anti Cheat has been removed [*]Major performance enhancements which include reducing the build size to under 300 mbs [*]Fixed bug where the Drop Counter was getting stuck on initializing and not resetting after a drop [*]Changed text on counter from "Initializing..." to "Getting loot tables..." [/list] We encourage those who left us a negative review regarding EAC to consider reevaluating your review based this latest change. Thank you for everyones continued support on Raspberry! Join us on discord at [url=https://discord.gg/getraspberries]https://discord.gg/getraspberries[/url]