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Jumplight Odyssey

Keep hope alive on your adventure to the mythical Forever Star! Gather survivors, repair and build out your starship, brave black holes, and fend off attacks, all while managing the daily soap opera of your colorful crew.

Hey Spacefarers! We’re right on the precipice of Jumplight Odyssey’s launch into Early Access. It is now just four days away. After years of ideation, brainstorming, implementation and troubleshooting… We’re finally at a point that we can hand over the Captain reigns to you, the community. That’s not to say the game is finished or perfect. Bugs are an explicit part of the game development process, and considering we are still deep in development, we are entering Early Access knowing that certain issues exist. However, it is your feedback, love and commitment to JLO that will help us shape its future, and we would rather have you all in-game and playing it early, bugs and all, than not at all. We’ve said this a hundred times, and those of you from our Armello days will know, but we’re an indie game dev studio based in Melbourne, Australia (we even self-publish our games!). While we’ve been around for over ten years, and we’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, there is still a huge way to go for Jumplight Odyssey’s development. Our vision is clear, but only partly realised. [b]We’re realistic, but we love to be idealistic, too. We have big hopes for this game and our ambition is way higher than a studio of our size has any right to. This ambition means that we are operating in a space where we are in direct competition with literal publishers with hundreds of millions of dollars.[/b] ([i]Author’s note: We do not have hundreds of millions of dollars.[/i]) And against all odds, Jumplight Odyssey was the 22nd most played game in Next Fest (#2 in Strategy!), we have almost 150,000 wishlists, the impressions from influencers and the press are looking great, and 93% of you surveyed in Next Fest said the experience made you want to purchase the game. It is this next part where we turn to you... We ask: if you’ve loved Jumplight Odyssey – perhaps you’ve seen some art, played the Demo at Next Fest, watched your favourite streamer play, read an article, etc – that you make some serious noise. [b]There is a time in an indie game’s life cycle where it needs to make some hefty waves to see any success at all – our time is right now. [/b] [h3]The best way to help us realise our collective dreams with Jumplight Odyssey is to scream about JLO from the rooftops! To show the game to your friends, to your family, to throw it into group chats with people that might love it! Share our [url=https://youtu.be/4k7NmBF3Rdc]early access trailer[/url]. If they (or you) enjoy the game, encourage them to review it on Steam![/h3] We’re so excited for the future of Jumplight Odyssey and League of Geeks - don’t forget we’re developing [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1893810/Solium_Infernum/]Solium Infernum[/url] as well! ([i]please do not ask us why we are making two games at once. pls just buy them. we are begging u[/i]) We wish you all could see just how incredibly hard we’ve worked to reach this point today, because you might have a chance at understanding just how grateful we are for all of your love and support so far. Let’s make this game take off. <3 LoG --- ✨ Join the Official League of Geeks Discord Server [url=https://bit.ly/LeagueOfGeeksDiscord]here[/url] ✨ We're on Twitter as @[url=https://twitter.com/JumplightGame]JumplightGame[/url] & @[url=https://twitter.com/leagueofgeeks]LeagueofGeeks[/url] (plus virtually all other social medias!) ✨ Most relevantly, if you haven't yet, you can Wishlist below 👇 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1893820/Jumplight_Odyssey/