Drumming for Beginners!


This is a Rock & Roguelite! Or rather, a game that’s infused with the power of metal. Play as a drummer as they escape the clutches of a threatening metal band... Or die trying!

If you came here expecting a breakdown on 'how to get into drumming', then I must unfortunately disappoint you. Instead, we'll be taking a closer look at our new combat system! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43314370/ac76595517edbbc03b81fdbf6ee71c8d3a993236.png[/img] At Gamescom, and at events as far back as BitSummit, there were a few comments made about the [i]'lack of variety'[/i] in attacks in Metavoidal. These remarks were more than fair, since there's more to a drummer than simply banging sticks against things, right? While we were initially planning on adding [i]some[/i] spice to the move sets, we decided that a mere dash wouldn't suffice. That's why we've added new attacks & items altogether to put a bit more [strike]beat [/strike] meat on the bones of each run. [h2]ATTACKS: [/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43314370/025767cebddedc86e44ab0fb93e428047e71045e.gif[/img] A drummer has more up their hoodie's sleeve than just hitting things with sticks. That's exactly why, instead of delaying it in-lieu of doing something less important (like music) we've gone and actually added the new moves & fighting mechanics. So apart from the old reliable [i]down stroke[/i] and [i]fling a stick[/i], we've added 7 new drumming techniques to your repertoire: [list] [*] Hi-Hat Tap [*] Crash Cymbal [*] Stick Trick [*] Drum Kick [*] Flam (a double whammy) [*] Blast Beat (jump attack) [*] Up Stroke [/list] Not forgetting about the Double Time spin attack that has been in the game since August. So there's about 7 already in, or in the process of being added. [h2]MECHANICS: [/h2] OK great, new things are coming. Whoo. But does it play well with the systems already in-place? Well, about that... [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43314370/c548e3f2611ab559a5bd9327b6890c67629dabcc.gif[/img] In the pursuit of giving variety, we've opted for a more customisable option! You start out with the basics, but as you explore and defeat challenge rooms, you will unlock new techniques. You can then chop & change your configuration at the end of each level with the new moves you've nabbed, or try out a new playstyle with what you have by changing the sequence of attacks. [h3]How it works[/h3] Your drummer has 4 open attack slots, like this o > o > o > o. Initially, 3 of them are filled with the basic* left-right-double attack move combo, with a pause at the end, to get you started. Like this [b]Left > Right > Double > Pause[/b]. [i]*You're a fresh drummer, you gotta work your way up to the cool moves, you know?[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43314370/3edde39f13d7dfe078a32e078583a447b6151d45.png[/img] As you progress through the levels, you'll unlock new moves that you'll be able to [b]access through the drum set[/b] at the end of each level. Riiiight before you head into the next area. Customise your sequence, try out what flows more with your style, or just select a new move as you please and get back to it! It takes a second to get use to the new rhythm, but once you have it you'll be beating down baddies in no time! [h2]Outro[/h2] This new combat system, coupled with the Trinkets (more on those SOON) you can unlock during a run, is sure to put the "Fun" in 'Funeral for a Friend'. But we'd love to hear what you think about this change! If you have any questions, pop them in the comments, or find us on Discord to have a chat about it. https://discord.gg/XhK7fNpH8N