Dragon Quest XI patch condones virtual horse neglect | DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ - Digital Edition of Light | Gamehypes

DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ - Digital Edition of Light

DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ follows the perilous journey of a hunted Hero who must uncover the mystery of his fate with the aid of a charismatic cast of supporting characters.

Some might tell you that the latest Dragon Quest XI patch sounds great, lifting the cap on framerate and adding more key binding options to the game our Noa called “a beauty of a JRPG”. These people are incorrect. The patch has introduced a grave injustice by allowing people to leave their horses behind. Just think of the sort of monster that would leave a digital horse alone in a land of slimes. The game previously punished such monsters by sometimes making the game crash but now Squeenix say that was a “bug” and they have “fixed” it? So people can abandon their horse without consequence? Terrible. Terrible patch. Terrible news. A terrible precedent.
