Double Event Power at the Weekend

NosTale - Anime MMORPG

NosTale is a free-to-play anime action MMORPG which takes you on an exciting journey through a world full of mystery with your friends.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30481962/07ee0427e66df8b456796df2a61c315f89c8ce44.jpg[/img] We’re kicking things up a gear this weekend with [b]two simultaneous events[/b]! Enjoy higher chances to [b]upgrade your specialist cards[/b] and get more experience points when [b]fusing specialist partners[/b]! These chances are even doubled again on the Summer Oasis server. [b]Event period[/b]: 16th August (11 AM) to 19th August (11 AM CEST) [h3]Event: Fusing Specialist Partners[/h3] Use specialist partner cards you don’t need to upgrade the ones you do. Upgrading will increase the specialist partner’s level and they will receive random bonuses. During the event, experience points earned this way are increased: [list][*]50% increase on regular servers[/*][*]100% increase on Summer Oasis[/*][/list] [h3]Event: Specialist Upgrades[/h3] During the event, the chances of improving your specialist cards (level +1 to maximum level 20) is increased. Simultaneously, the chance of the soul being destroyed is reduced. The chance of success increases as follows: [list][*]50% increase on regular servers[/*][*]100% increase on Summer Oasis[/*][/list] Have fun! The NosTale Team