Dome Keeper 3.0 “Double Dome” Update coming soon!

Dome Keeper

Defend against waves of alien attackers in this innovative roguelike survival miner. Dig for resources and choose from powerful upgrade paths. Is there enough time to mine a little deeper and get back to defend before the monsters attack your dome?

[previewyoutube=nFH6JOWiXBU;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Greetings, Keepers! We have received word from the Guild Council that another update is dropping soon. We are thrilled to announce that we have not one but TWO brand new domes coming your way on October 5th! [/b] No shade thrown on the Laser Dome or the Sword Dome, but isn’t it about time we had more options? Well we agree, and that’s why we’re excited to bring you two new domes: the Tesla Dome and the Artillery Dome. The Tesla Dome is equipped with powerful electrical abilities, and the Artillery Dome features a powerful mortar and an anti-airgun as well! Both offer new, exciting ways to deal with the attacking waves of monsters that threaten your dome. We’re also introducing a major change in upgrades for your domes in the form of Dome Supplements! With this new mechanic, you can add new upgrades to your dome tech tree during your run. So instead of upgrade paths like “Hardening” being a fixed part of the laser dome, now you can make your choice freely among a bunch of similar supplemental upgrades Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming dev diary soon, where we will go more in-depth on the new domes as well as the Dome Supplements system to come. In the meantime, come on in to the [url=]Bippinbits Dome Keeper Discord Server[/url], it’s the number one place to discuss Dome Keeper and also a pretty nice place to hang out while we wait for the update to drop.