SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a multiplayer Gundam action RPG where you can smash foes solo or with friends in thrilling mechanized combat. Acquire new mobile suits, power them up, and take them into battle in various missions!
[h2]This is the additional DLC "Unit and Scenario Pack 1 Legend & Succession".[/h2]
[b][u][h2]Includes: [/h2][/u][/b]
[h3][b]Additional Scenario Missions[/b]
- The Cursed Treasure
- Destination of the Legend[/h3]
[h3][b]EX Mission Extreme 1
EX Mission Extreme 2[/b][/h3]
[h3][b]Additional Playable Units[/b][/h3][h3]- GUNDAM AGE-FX
- Narrative Gundam C-Packs[/h3]