Divine Frequency demo update

Divine Frequency

A bewildering tale of a trashcan hobo's rise to becoming the universe's most effective security software.

Greetings Hobos, First off, thank you to everyone to has played the demo for Divine Frequency. There has been a huge amount of effort sunk into this game over the last couple years (and the mod before that) and it's been incredible to see that work pay off seeing everyone enjoy the game. Genghis and co have managed to dream up this wild crazy experience and somehow bring it to life in the most visceral way possible, in GZDoom no less. [h2]But now to business! Presenting[i] patch notes[/i][/h2] [h3]What happened to my save?[/h3] Unfortunately changes to the core games files in GZDoom will render old saves incompatible. This is currently an unavoidable thing so if you were in the middle of a play through you'll have to restart unfortunately. [h3]Gameplay Changes:[/h3] -Added weapon degradation to the Trench Gun. It can still fire at zero durability to stay true to its Reliability perk. Increased the damage at maximum durability to compensate for this. -Added a tooltip that describes the item effect when looking at items -Added the ability to bind inventory items to quick use hotkeys -Added a 4th way to defeat Ascendant Champion (Super Secret) -Slightly redesigned the Giant Killer Cell encounter to encourage being nosy [h3]Quality of Life:[/h3] -Added a stronger visual feedback for Parry Window detection during Duel (Wits exclusive) -Increased Emergency Light's radius by 20% since you guys love it so much -Moved the tutorial prompt closer to the center of screen -Added both crouch hold and toggle to the keybind option menu -Added secondary fire to the keybind option menu -Added a HUD scaling option -Added a game over screen -Added the ability to change crosshair color -Bug fixes (You don't wanna know the depths of these...) ----The most prominent one being the black screen bug, should now be fixed (hopefully) [h3]Failed Attempts:[/h3] -Failed to add the ability to keybind inventory ui function ( Use Item || Drop Item ). This is due to engine limitation, the game can't read raw inputs in the UI context the same way as it can during Play context. And that's it. Keep sending in feedback, especially on the new changes and as always, Seek Depth. Cheers, BB