Distribution for Future Episodes

National Park Girls

All Eve ever wanted was to protect and preserve the land, but after five years of being a ranger in Yosemite National Park, she’s just about ready to throw in the towel. However, things start to change when she meets three spritely girls who claim to represent the National Parks.

Hey everyone, Syon here. I'm the director and head scenario writer on National Park Girls. Each and every one of us at Studio Coattails hope you enjoyed National Park Girls Episode 1. and we thank you for the successful release. If you're already feeling those post-NPG blues, then don't worry. I'm here to give you a thorough explanation for what our plan is in regards to future episodes. Right now, we're all working very hard to make sure that there's only a three month wait between episodes of National Park Girls. So in an ideal world, our release schedule looks like this: Episode 1 - March 14th, 2019 (RELEASED) Episode 2 - June, 2019 Episode 3 - September, 2019 Episode 4 - December, 2019 Episode 5 - March, 2020 The plan is for there to be five episodes in total, all similar in length to Episode 1. Of course, plans may change depending on fan feedback, and development is a fickle process and releases could always be delayed, but we're going to try our hardest to stick to this schedule. Each new episode of National Park Girls will be available as DLC. Each episode will be priced at $4.99. In the future, there will be an option to purchase a bundle with all five episodes. More news on that down the road. For now, we hope you continue to look forward to the adventures and hijinks of Eve and her new Park Girl friends! - Syon