newVideoPlayer( {"type":"video","..." inertia> newVideoPlayer( {"type":"video","..." inertia> newVideoPlayer( {"type":"video","..." inertia> Discover New Ways To Play In Hunted: The Demon's Forge | Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™ | Gamehypes

Discover New Ways To Play In Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™

It will take the combined efforts of two great warriors to explore menacing dungeons, overgrown ruins, and downtrodden towns … and discover the secrets of the Demon’s Forge.

"Hunted is running through dungeons and killing monsters with really cool swords, really cool weapons, and amazing spells," says developer inXile's president Matt Findley. That's enough of a description for me. The rest of you should watch this behind-the-scenes trailer.

It may look like just another hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, but Hunted: The Demon Forge has a lot going on under the hood that you might not pick up on simply by seeing the game in action. The cooperative aspects of the game are what truly sets it apart, with innovative ways for two players to work together to take on otherwise deadly foes.

Of course the best part of a behind-the-scenes development documentary is seeing the excitement on the faces of the game creators as they talk about their baby. Here's hoping Hunted lives up to their expectations when it hits the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on May 31.