Devlog - Plane Accident: Progress on Gameplay Mechanics

Plane Accident

Become an inspector examining causes of plane crashes. Visit the crash site, gather evidence and interrogate witnesses. Explain whether the accident was caused by independent factors or human errors.

[b]Devlog - Plane Accident: Progress on Gameplay Mechanics[/b] Hello, dear gamers and game enthusiasts! Today, we're excited to share with you the latest updates on our game "Plane Accident." Since our last update, we've made significant strides in the game's development, especially in implementing unique gameplay mechanics. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect: [b][list] [*] Creating Photographic Documentation at Air Crash Sites: [/list][/b] In "Plane Accident," players take on the role of an investigative team tasked with examining air crash sites. One of the key mechanics involves the ability to create photographic documentation at the crash site. Players will immerse themselves in the role of an investigator, meticulously exploring the crash area and taking photos that will later serve as evidence during the investigation. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41245375/3f4ca1c9fd57c38a49a81986478cf4d882516e78.gif[/img] [b][list] [*] Conducting Investigations Based on Gathered Evidence: [/list][/b] After collecting photographic documentation and other evidence from the crash site, players will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth investigations. This mechanic entails analyzing evidence, connecting clues, and uncovering crucial information. Every action taken by the player could influence the course of the investigation and its outcome. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41245375/d853f11b8aecfc4d42368afc40deef9fdc071556.gif[/img] [b][list] [*] Scanning Aircraft Wrecks Using Drones: [/list][/b] "Plane Accident" introduces an innovative mechanic that allows players to use drones for scanning aircraft wrecks. This advanced equipment aids in locating traces such as those related to explosions or structural damage. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41245375/554ec8b4553b8ff9ebb2f6ff56025b8355631267.gif[/img] [b][list] [*] Reconstructing Wrecks of Recovered Aircraft: [/list][/b] Realistic reconstruction of wreckage is a pivotal element of the investigation. Players will have the opportunity to piece together wreckage components to gain insights into the crash sequence. This mechanic will require precision and logical thinking to accurately identify how intricate parts fit together. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41245375/982677c4d78184ccfa8ca90d233a977226230669.gif[/img] [b][list] [*] Black Box Analysis: [/list][/b] The final, but no less crucial, mechanic in "Plane Accident" involves analyzing data from black boxes. Players will have the chance to delve into the technical aspects of the crash, examining audio recordings and flight data. This will be essential for explaining the crash's causes and understanding what transpired in critical moments. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41245375/3db0dd37ef4e00b1c3d4665b0bf3d108992fdc64.gif[/img] This is just a glimpse into what we're preparing in "Plane Accident." Our team is working tirelessly to provide you with a captivating, realistic, and engaging experience as an investigator of air crash incidents. Thank you for joining us on this journey! Stay tuned for more updates coming soon. [b]Best regards, The "Plane Accident" Team[/b]