Devlog 4: Introducing Ruby Emerald

Neon Blood

Viridis, year 2053. Growing inequality drives Bright City and Blind City further and further apart until idealistic detective Axel McCoin starts a revolution to change the world in this fast-paced cyberpunk adventure.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/26666a535d32b78c86135a35d01f965154121d43.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/4f0dbb43ffe70715cca48df0af40d226d9c1b1d2.png[/img] Ruby Emerald [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/165ef8b2ca0a62fcebac0e90cd31813c39f7ac69.png[/img] 33 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/bebd45db67cc72e91e537afd2edbfebaafe78f9d.png[/img] Bright City [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/0b0b60b137861278ee405ec6d1926100e6c98de6.png[/img] Leader of the Samaritans, Mayor's daughter [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/244e38c37f34fb3642f6283f3c7c3e7c400ac981.png[/img] Main antagonist of the game, leader class [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/43707c1f0c22ff8070d2acc00bd18a73ee67b91f.png[/img] Great orator, immense intelligence, boundless ambition [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/2ce08f7d63476431f610b1ff5fda8a5996b8cede.png[/img] White [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/d11003c2ec311e09df1466abf6275845b10a28d1.png[/img] Ruby Emerald constantly plays with two faces. Publicly, she is kind, benevolent, and cheerful with everyone, charming people with her persona. However, the real Ruby is cold, cruel, and extremely calculating. Along with her ambition to control all of Viridis at her whim, she orchestrates a large-scale plan involving murders and betrayals, viewing them merely as means to achieve her end, representing the belief that the end justifies the means. With the power she holds, she is a dangerous and threatening individual who will crush anyone if necessary, abusing her power when she can be herself. To maintain the facade of two faces and not raise suspicions with her plan, she uses her immense oration skills to create an alter ego called Luzbel, which she uses to organize all the pieces of her macabre chessboard, being truly herself without limitations. When speaking, she is empathetic, assertive, and truly gets into your head to make you do what she wants, speaking calmly and in a continuous tone, except when she sees that her wonderful plan is being frustrated, then she bursts into anger, letting out all the rage she is accustomed to suppressing and feigning. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/a5b52b0713b7409cbd35ee78e7b79dc6aaf3fc7f.png[/img] 1/10 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/0d7990cf89c91dd196c4b60fca1dd7a89c8b8770.png[/img] Surrounded by an aura of luxury and power, Ruby always dresses ostentatiously. Always equipped with heels, Ruby is the center of attention wherever she goes, making noise upon arrival and departure. She wears a white skirt symbolizing purity, long but slightly suggestive, revealing her leg up to mid-thigh. On top, she wears a top with neon inlays, which serve as an invisible defense field in case of attack but also leave her arms free in case of need for combat. All of this is covered by a large coat worn over her shoulders, purely for ostentation as it is not so cold as to require such a large coat. With delicate and beautiful features, Ruby has a characteristic red hair tone, the reason her parents gave her that name. Her hair is tied up in a bun, held with two sticks made of platinum, demonstrating her economic superiority. Ruby has many implants distributed throughout her body, but since they are always performed by the best surgeons of the moment, they are completely invisible unless she activates them, even if that means getting her hands dirty, another reason why she is rarely seen in direct action, instead sending her Samaritan henchmen. When Ruby activates 100% of her implants, she takes on a divine appearance, with a halo of light surrounding her head, able to levitate from the ground and seeming weightless in the midst of combat. If she were to fight without activating 100%, each time she activates an implant, it remains lit up shining from under the skin, with lines of light emerging through her body. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/038e768e358d7b877151d5a5d606c44c5da43770.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/b868dbaaef668098e253fed33e47b3edc35d8aa9.png[/img] Ruby Emerald was born as the daughter of the mayor, into one of the wealthiest families in all of Viridis. Her father was not the best mayor, in fact, his management left much to be desired as he seemed to never take action on matters affecting the city. Ruby grew up in pomp, completely oblivious to the real world, on a beautiful crystal throne. As Ruby grew up, her greatest concern was to do as she pleased, but due to her condition as the mayor's daughter and her inexperience in the real world, she felt she was in a golden cage. That's why she began to realize the power of words; being an extremely cultured person, she could speak with people and compel them to do the things she wanted, making them think it was their idea. With rhetoric in her hand, Ruby realized she needed power to have the freedom she so desired to do as she pleased. It was precisely when she took charge of the Samaritans that she realized her great leadership skills, ending with a whole cult towards her person and the deity, Liwn, whom they worship, an invention of Ruby from day one. With all this power and her new faculties, Ruby directed her frustration at not achieving freedom to the lower parts of Viridis, believing them to be second-class citizens who did not deserve to live in her city for threatening the freedom she sought, so she began a larger-scale plan. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/a16dcc16355c1f7ad119e3d4e08ee9162891e311.png[/img] The now religious leader and daughter of the mayor, Ruby Emerald, realized that there were several elements missing in order to have total freedom in Viridis, now also adding the goal of ruling it, always thirsty for leadership after testing it with the Samaritans. The elements that stood in her way were the gangs of Blind City, which could be dangerous, her inept father, the mayor, and the police, as corrupt as they were, they would try to stop her at the slightest hint of revolution against Blind City. That's why she needed an alter ego, a person in the shadows with Ruby's rhetoric but not herself to gather more people, thus creating Luzbel, the 'genius' behind the whole plot, actually being Ruby in an attempt to protect her more public facet. With her skills, she was able to convince the Architect and Viper, two key pieces for her plan, giving her access to industrial and police power, which combined with the military power of the Samaritans was a good start and undoubtedly a threat to all of Viridis. All she lacked was political power, which would be achieved by killing her father and taking his place, as in an oligarchy in Viridis, her father's friends would choose her. She also needed a scapegoat, someone to blame for all this when it was over to appease the people with her extreme policies, with Axel being the perfect candidate in Ruby's eyes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/bcffba8ae1faaf969d194c3400c4df3bd705957f.png[/img] With the plan starting, Ruby already has the Spark that the Architect manufactures flooding the streets of Blind City, gaining favor with the mafias and gradually generating chaos that will make people think worse of all of Blind City again. Robin encounters a setback in her plan when Robin dedicates herself to taking out the mules transporting the Spark, but it was thanks to her that Axel became much more involved with all this, making him perfect to blame. Ruby is always two steps ahead, letting Axel work on the playground she has planned, and everything Axel does ends up benefiting Ruby, like ending the Architect, giving Luzbel (the greatest industrial power of all Viridis). This is evidenced when Ruby kills her father since she doesn't need more, having the police and all the power behind her, she just needed to take that last chess piece and blame everything on Axel. At first, Ruby appears as she is publicly, attentive, nice, and pleasant, but as soon as it is discovered that she is the one involved with everything by killing Joe, Ruby stops pretending and her serious, rude, and cruel personality is revealed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/533095333efb7287ab03c2b666329c6708fd5f7b.png[/img] To have absolute control of Viridis to not depend on anyone and have complete freedom. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/a8a81cc8b2cde667998de729b2becbe10e4591d5.png[/img]