Devlog #2 - Tough Decisions

ADA: Tainted Soil

Step into the world of Ada, a story-driven single-player 2D top-down action RPG with fast-paced combat and stunning visuals to enjoy. Combine different weapons, spells, and skills to overcome all obstacles in your way. Be prepared for the unexpected.

[h2]Hey, I recently shared with you about how my journey began. Now, I'd like to show you a bit of how my game has evolved and share some insights along the way.[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44471472/a3b0147007f89fa992e07aca2bf39681ee118903.png[/img] I embarked on the journey of creating ADA: Tainted Soil over three years ago as someone who had no prior experience in game development. Though I had a background in programming, gaming was simply a passion of mine since childhood. I had to learn everything about game development from scratch. While my programming background provided a solid foundation, I soon realised that creating a good game involved much more than technical skills. Early on, I faced the choice of game design. Today, game developers have almost unlimited possibilities, but I opted for something akin to the "souls-like" genre. Before crafting my own gameplay mechanics, I spent countless hours playing other titles and researching to extract what I considered the best elements to incorporate into my project. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44471472/e59f82f2c89cc04fa523690feb6c86aad9e2b3c2.gif[/img] Equally important was the artistic style. I deliberated for a long time on which direction to take, ultimately deciding on pixel art. I've always been drawn to games in this style, and recent years have offered many gems that inspired me. However, it posed a challenge at the outset. I don't consider myself a standout artist, so I had to put in a lot of effort to learn how to create graphics in a similar style and then maintain a level of quality that I was satisfied with. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44471472/374d0a327f667137e5ba6cb300eb66e86a90320a.gif[/img] Creating my game has taught me many things, but perhaps most importantly, it has honed my ability to tackle unexpected problems that arise more often than I anticipated. A game is comprised of many aspects, and they often influence each other in unforeseen ways. I've lost count of how many times I've had to pause work to solve a sudden issue, but these moments have allowed me to grow as a creator. In hindsight, "ADA: Tainted Soil" is not just a game I'm crafting; it's also been an incredible adventure that has enriched my life and allowed me to grow. With each passing day, the game improves thanks to what I've learned, and I'm confident you'll enjoy it immensely. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44471472/b1e0e5c1f926ef4216d140a9fe48e9ba5195d893.gif[/img]