Covenant: Project Zero is a space opera set in a universe where interstellar corporations and big money interests run everything. Embark on an action-packed adventure as Captain John Covenant, accompanied by a band of rag-tag misfits, to confront the dark evil lurking in the universe.
Hello, hello!
It’s been a while, but we haven’t been partying and wasting time… At least not a lot. 😄
The time has come for a new edition of
[h3]Covenant: Project Zero game devlog![/h3]
We’ve been hard at work on the development of our game. Over the past two months, we’ve made significant progress on all aspects of the game, from character portraits and user interface to entirely new systems.
[h3]Game Design[/h3]
Our game designers tackled the task of creating a consistent user interface style. We came up with a futuristic yet simple design that the devs can easily replicate in the game engine without needing to import additional sprites. The game is now starting to check boxes both on gameplay and the overall design. We’re incredibly excited to see how it will look when it’s finished!
[h3]Game Development[/h3]
We have been busy polishing the first chapter, but more importantly, we’ve been working hard on implementing crucial systems such as saving, sound volume control, inventory, vendors, and items. Items were made more useful and interactive, too. For example, you can now hold a screwdriver in your hand to unscrew bolts. Additionally, you can now purchase weapons and protective gear from in-game vendors and equip them in-game to tip the balance of the battle in your favor! We’ve also put a lot of effort into overhauling the combat system, developing quest mechanics further, and setting up the method for unexpected encounters.
Writing was polished further, and we’ve added both humor and some audiovisual suspense in order to keep things interesting. With our atmospheric soundtrack coming along great – we’re more and more realizing we’re having a very serious soundtrack on our hands, which will be published simultaneously with the game release.
[h3]Marketing and Upcoming Dates[/h3]
We’re working on opening our Discord game server to the general crowd and showcasing the game. Though still TBD, as we want to make sure we showcase a fully functional game, our team is working hard. We want to make sure we have a polished demo to show is an absolute priority and kind of the whole idea of what the game experience should be to us.
One major date that everyone’s been asking us about is still not entirely fixed – the release date. So – here’s an update!
Early Q2 2023 is now becoming a very real release time frame! We are now months, not years or even quarters from having a completely finished product! While we can’t fix the date yet –
April/May are starting to look really good!
Overall we’re making progress in leaps and bounds – and are super excited to share our game with the world so – STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES!