Slayaway Camp 2

Take control of masked maniac Skullface in the goretastic sequel to the most violentest puzzle game ever made! This darkly hilarious puzzle game tribute to classic horror movies that puts the laughter in slaughter.

Get a sneak preview of [b]Slayaway Camp 2[/b], the gruesomest summer camp murder puzzle game ever (since the first one!) AND get an even sneakier preview of the demoniacal devs behind these diabolical designs. Creative Director and Game Designer [b]Nate Schmold[/b] will host a live stream featuring FUMBLING GAMEPLAY! RANDOM VOICE EFFECTS! SECRETS HE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO SHARE ABOUT GAME DEVELOPMENT! AWKWARD JOKES! And hopefully some informative and thought-provoking developer Q&As. You don’t want to miss it! Watch live Monday June 10 at 3 pm PST!