Devblog 19 - Modular Homesteads and Bats

Anvil Empires

Anvil is a massively multiplayer game where thousands of players work together to build empires, wage war, and conquer in a persistent online world. March alongside armies of players in massive melee battles and large scale sieges.

[i]Disclaimer: Features discussed in this post reflect what is currently under development and not necessarily what will be shipping with the next test. Anything mentioned below may change at any time due to the experimental nature of Pre-Alpha development. Nothing mentioned here should be taken as a promised feature or addition to the eventual game.[/i] [h1]MODULAR HOMESTEADS[/h1] The modular building system for [url=]Forts[/url] is now being extended to Homesteads. Instead of Homesteads consisting of a prefabricated structure, it now consists of a [i]Keystone[/i] structure which marks off an area for your Homestead (and is also used to manage the associated Family) and a series of connected modular pieces. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43866319/d1027b2847c3ccb4e245dd9e2172068f7039161e.jpg[/img] The concepts here show the long term vision for Homesteads. The goal is to have custom houses for beds, storage, cooking as well as workshop structures for industrial processes like smithing. If players want, both housing areas and workshop areas can be attached directly or connected through interior bridges. Similar to the Forts, the hope is for designs to be both functional and theme appropriate, avoiding the typical "blocky" look that bases often have in survival games. While it will be challenging to achieve this perfectly in any modular system, it is the ongoing target as this feature is developed in the future. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43866319/44934d57dd10ea6121cab7b4f20198e999916153.jpg[/img] Note that the concepts here include a breadth of ideas that were brainstormed and it's not expected that they'll all make it into the game eventually. [h1]UNDERWORLD BATS[/h1] A new environmental threat is being added to the Underworld: Bats. These flying creatures will roam the [url=]randomly generated Underworld caverns[/url] and attack unsuspecting explorers and miners. They aren't the toughest or most dangerous animals but make up for this in numbers. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43866319/a6c2df9f08a7af58bb52437d0410cbfbab0f9a31.gif[/img] Be sure to add Anvil Empires to your wish list on [url=]Steam[/url]. If you want to join the community, head over the to official [url=]Discord server[/url] or [url=]Subreddit[/url]. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43866319/df7fe80ab730785967007257a355fd0c9d8dce2c.png[/img][/url]