Festive greetings truckers!
The holiday season is upon us and we’ve just rolled out our final update for 2024. As usual the patch notes can be found [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2380050/view/501685333193130012]on Steam[/url], but read on below for a more detailed breakdown…
[h2]Custom Radio Stations[/h2]
[b]v1.0.47.0[/b] sees the arrival of Custom Radio Stations! You can read more about this feature below but if you want to get stuck into customization we recommend you read our handy little [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3382480011]Custom Radio Guide.[/url][/b]
[h3]Partnered Stations[/h3]
We’re incredibly happy to confirm the following stations as part of our preset list when the feature launches...
[list][*] [url=https://simulatorradio.com/]SimulatorRadio[/url]
[*] [url=https://truckers.fm/]TruckersFM[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.trucksim.fm/]TruckSimFM[/url]
[*] [url=https://truckstopradio.co.uk/]TruckStopRadio[/url][/list]
[h3]Custom Streams[/h3]
The first time you change station the game will generate a text file in your documents folder. You can add station / stream information to this text file to access it in-game.
[h3]Radio Filter[/h3]
For those who prefer a cleaner sound, we’ve also added a new audio option that allows you to disable the hi-fi filter on custom streams.
[h3]LCD Ticker[/h3]
Although streams differ from site to site, we’ve done our best to interpret the metadata and show what’s playing on the Hi-Fi.
[h2]Winter Wondercab[/h2]
To celebrate this holiday season we’ve enabled the cabs holo projector…
Those with a keen eye may have noticed this bit of tech sitting on the safety rails of the mezzanine floor. We’ve got lots of ideas on how best to use this projector in the future but for now it will fill your cab with a festive lightshow!
This festive themed projection is available now up until [b]6th January.[/b]
We also popped the star off the tree and added it as a hood ornament because…why not?
[h2]Heavy Duty[/h2]
December also sees us roll out the [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/3088950/Star_Trucker__Heavy_Duty_Pack/]Heavy Duty Customization Pack[/url][/b]. This will be our last truck DLC for a little while as we switch our new year focus to trailers, cargo and other exciting new content.
We’d also like to take a moment to let you know that all of the DLC so far has been created in parallel with working on new features, bug fixes and balance adjustments.
These customization packs have not impacted ongoing work and every sale helps support the continued development of new features and free updates for everyone!
With that said, we REALLY like how this pack turned out. In fact, we went the extra mile for this one, adding multiple grille options and the ability to fully customize the paint job.
[h2]Year's End[/h2]
That wraps things up for our December blog post. It’s been a crazy few months for us Monsters but we’ve been blown away by the response to Star Trucker. Thanks again for helping make 2024 such a special year for us ♥️
We hope you’ll stick with us into 2025 as we continue to improve and expand the game. There’s a lot of exciting stuff in development and we’re excited to share more on it all very soon!
Until then, we hope you all have a fantastic festive season full of fun and frolics.
10-10 and Very Merry Christmas!
[i]- Monster Dave and Monster Dan[/i]