Deus Ex: Breach FAQ

Deus Ex: Breach™

Deus Ex: Breach is an innovative game that offers, for the very first time, an arcade approach on the gameplay of Deus Ex.

[i]What is Deus Ex: Breach?[/i] Deus Ex: Breach plays on the core pillars of Deus Ex to offer a fresh experience, an arcade approach to the series’ gameplay, which allows for quick play sessions. It was originally included in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided as a game mode, released in August 2016. [i]Wait, I bought Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – am I missing out on any content?[/i] No, the standalone version is exactly as the same as the one included in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. [i]What do I do in Deus Ex: Breach?[/i] You play as a hacker in the year 2029, called a Ripper. Your objective is simple: hack the servers of the biggest corporations of the Deus Ex universe to expose information they don’t want in the open. Rippers use the funds they acquire to upgrade their virtual augmentations and arsenal, and take on more challenging networks. They use virtual reality from the world of Deus Ex to infiltrate these servers and face their defenses. [i]So how does this translate in terms of gameplay?[/i] Each server is a map which you need to complete by reaching its objective: for example, retrieve a set amount of information or defeat a specific enemy. Depending on which corporation of the Deus Ex universe a server belongs to, you will encounter different map layouts and types of enemies. [i]Do I need knowledge of Deus Ex to play this?[/i] You don’t. Breach explores new aspects of the Deus Ex lore, and as such, features themes and plot lines of its own. [i]Is there a story in Deus Ex: Breach?[/i] Users on the Darknet in need of help will reach out to hire you for your services. They will need specific information retrieved from servers, in order for you to complete what we call “Darknet Files”. For example, you will investigate VersaLife over suspicious treatments, or a weapon manufacturing company allegedly researching dangerous technology. As you progress through these, you will come into contact with other users on the Darknet, which will help you get to the truth. [i]Are there microtransactions?[/i] In Breach, there’s no loot in the maps themselves: you get credits as you complete levels, which you can use to buy items through Booster Packs. A Booster Pack contains four random items, from weapons to consumables, server modifiers to customize your difficulty level and Praxis kits to augment your avatar. Every Booster Pack is a surprise but they have different rarity levels. If you wish to obtain certain items quicker, you can buy Chipsets through microtransactions. Chipsets allow you to purchase Booster Packs and premium skins and weapons. However, Chipsets are never necessary to progress through the game. [i]Any social elements?[/i] You can compete with friends and players around the world through leaderboards, by achieving the best high scores on each map, and sending and completing custom challenges. [i]Do you have more content on the way?[/i] A final content update for Breach will be released in February, and will include new maps, a new Darknet File and more.