Destroying Update


Defendion is a unique board tower defense game in VR where the table in front of you is your battlefield, where enemies will damage and destroy your structures and you can change and block its paths. Conquer new locations, meet new enemies, build your defense.

[img][/img] Meet Destroying Update №18 [h1]What's new:[/h1] [list] [*] we implemented the so much requested feature as [b][u]removing any single tower[/u][/b] right on the battleboard. You need just to try to [b]grab [/b]it and the timer with a hint will show up. You will get the money for it based on the tower health and level. There is also a new [b]demo table[/b] in the training level so you can watch and try to destroy anything [img][/img] [*] now tracking for the grid when you take the tower comes from the tower not the hand - so the choice of the place to put will be more evident and it will coincide with the location of the tower itself [*] now the highlighting of the grid cell will be more visible both on dark and light locations [img][/img] [*] now you can move the table down to adjust the height [img][/img] [/list] [h1]Other:[/h1] [list] [*] fixed bug when you cleared the board the Balista towers were taken away [*] fixed collisions of the table and the towers while they are not on the battleboard [*] updated to the latest version of the SteamVR Input plugin [/list]