Destiny Duel Championship #1

Destiny Duel

Simple to learn, impossible to master. Destiny Duel is a battle of the mind: in order to win, you must predict your opponent's every move. Attack, Guard, Recover, or Dodge. The choice is yours, and every choice matters.

Destiny Duel championship coming up! [u]When[/u] This Saturday [b]3/25[/b] at [b]4PM EST[/b]. [u]Prize[/u] < @Top Duelist > Discord role + Free Cosmetics Pack + [b]$10[/b]. [u]Rules[/u] - Format: Single Elimination / First to 2 for non-finals / First to 3 for finals - Maps: Players choose / If can't agree then all maps - Time Multiplier: Players choose / If can't agree then multiplier = 1 - Round duration: 30 minutes max / If match unfinished both players get a loss To register, join the MBE Games Discord server and react to the announcement message in #dd-announcements. There is no entry fee. < [url=]MBE Games Discord[/url] >