Demon:Rebirth is now on Steam Greenlight! We need your help!

拯救大魔王2 Rescue the Great Demon 2

Sino was controlled by human. Human made the rules, and annihilated every race that opposed them. Every race on this continent became slaves, except human.Demons had been enslaved for 80 years since their leader, the Great Demon was captured. This is where our story begins.

Come to Greenlight and vote us! [img][/img] You have to know that in this world, there's no right or wrong, but only Humans and Demons. Humans are born equal, while Demons are born inferior. Humans are born free, while Demons are born enslaved. Humans are born virtuous, while Demons are born vicious. Humans are born righteous, as they are priviledged to discriminate Demons. B.Z. 1320 June, I joined the Clown. I decided to climb back from abyss, where you sent me with your own hands. I am determined to reclaim everything I once possess, including yours. This is the reason of my rebirth. This is the reason, of the Great Demon's rebirth. Well… that part above was quite confusing wasn’t it? I suppose a I owe you a “real” introduction to this game after all. Have you ever had that itch to create a game of your own, to tell your own saga? That is basically the tale of us: a bunch of college slackers that collaborated an indie RPG through the internet, just for a JRPG game that we could all enjoy. After our first game “Rescue the Great Demon 2” was finished, we were not satisfied. It was reasonably successful, yet we knew we could do better. We decided to collaborate again: “We would definitely do better this time.” Hence this game, “Rescue the Great Demon: Reborn”, our re-attempt to build a game focusing on everything you like about JRPGs: the immersive gameplay, the carefully-woven plot, and detailed prose delineating the characters, set in an age where the long-running tension between the ancient races of demons and humans finally erupt, where one side had nothing to lose but all the history of being suppressed, and the other side would contrive every possible scheme to maintain the current status quo. What to expect: 1. 8 Playable Characters, 20 Different Combinations of Starting Party Choices 2. Expansive Main Plot (over 150,000 words) Paired with Detailed Side Quests (over 50,000 words) 3. 128 Different Enemy Encounters, 173 Types of Utility Items, 211 Different Weapons, 286 Learnable Skills, etc. 4. Playing as demons battling against humans. (Yeah, damn these rotten humans.) Features: 1. Immersive JRPG Gameplay 2. An Epic World Brimmed with Details 3. Unique Art Style: Simple yet Refined Graphics 4. Awesome Original Soundtrack If you like our game, feel free to spread the word, share this on social media. And the most important of all, do not forget to give us a vote! [Translated by LBQ and 无限の雷霆] [img][/img] 你应该知道,这个世界无分对错,这个世界只分种族。 人生来平等,而异族身份卑微。 人生来自由,而异族遭受奴役。 人生来善良,而异族本性邪恶。 人生来公正,他们有决定谁是异族的权利。 别西卜1320年6月,我加入了微笑小丑。 我曾经被你们亲手送入深渊,但现在我决定爬回来。 我将拿回曾经属于我的一切,并把属于你的一切也一并夺走。 这就是我重生的理由。 这就是,魔王重生的理由。 啊,上面那部分有点让你迷惑了,不是吗?别着急,让我们来进一步讲解一番。 你有没有过那种“创造一个自己的游戏,讲述自己脑海中的史诗”的想法呢?这也大概是我们的故事了:一群不务正业的大学生通过互联网合作了一款独立 RPG游戏,只为了讲述一个深藏在心的冒险故事。16年我们制作了团队的第一款游戏,《拯救大魔王2》。但这部作品并不能让我们满意——它或许小有名气,但是我们知道它做的太糟糕。 于是我们又聚到了一起,花费更多的精力制作一款新的游戏,讲述一个全新的故事。 就在这里了,《拯救大魔王:重生》。 带着从旧作中汲取的经验,对JRPG类型展开的再度尝试。又一场扮演魔族的精彩冒险。游戏中包括了能让你沉浸其中的游戏性、细心织造的故事、对角色的详细刻画……听起来可能有些自卖自夸? 我们认为自己是RPG啦,但是因为文本量过多的缘故,您认为我们是音像小说也是可以的。 这是一个讲述歧视的故事。 这是一个讲述遭遇不平等对待的异族奋起反抗,争取属于自己的权利的故事。 游戏内容: [1] 8位可以操控的主要角色,20种不同的角色搭配开局。 [2] 超过15万字的主线剧情文本与超过5万字的支线剧情文本。 [3] 128种不同的敌方组合,173种实用道具,211种武器装备,286种角色技能…… [4] 魅魔族的小姐姐和魔法师族的小萝莉…(这行记得删掉) [5] 控制魔族进攻人类!我早就想这么干了! 游戏特色: [1] 充满代入感的线性角色扮演故事 [2] 宏大的世界观与丰富的世界观细节 [3] 独特的美术风格,简朴但充满意境的游戏画面 [4] 贼鸡儿棒的原声音乐! 喜欢的话就请告诉您的朋友们吧! 啊,别忘了为我们投票哦! 谢谢您的支持~ [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]