Demo Version 0.8.4

Hi all, This update is pretty big, and I'm quite excited by it. TL;DR: You can move units and items around in ways you couldn't before. For example: you can move a unit from your grid back into the hold spot. Maybe if you give that unit in the hold spot a "when held between battles" distillation, it will work?! What I'm saying is, it opens up a lot of weird strategies. Full patch notes: 🦾 Enemy end-of-preparation actions now happen before player's prep phase 🔥Changes End-of-first round cell effects to start of battle cell effects 🐛 Don't allow moving units before indulgence pick 🐛 Fixes problems with summoners that have On Ally Summoned distillations upon them 🦾 Damage taken during preparation phase is applied when preparation is over so that enemy teams can also use preparation attack (and so damage isn't saved) 🍺 Items can be moved anywhere and given to units in hold and buy spots 🐛 Normalizes how sell prices are calculated even if you move something out of grid 🦾 Allows character movement from hold to buy spot, from grid to buy spot, and from buy spot to buy spot 🦾 Allows distillation from hold spot and buy spots 🍺 Characters and items can be discarded directly from buy spots 🦾 Units can be moved from grid onto hold spot Thanks again for playing, Mickey