Demo Version 0.3 is Out

Memento Dawn

A colorful puzzle game that follows a lost child on a journey to search for her memories and helps her through the darkness by controlling light and shadow.

Hello everyone! We just pushed the Demo version 0.3 out. [h3]Changelog[/h3] [list] [*] We now have many save slots, so you can choose a new slot and play again without resetting the game. [*] We also show the completion percentage. Make sure you complete 100% ;) [*] The playtime will be shown with each save slot. Unfortunately, we can't get the playtime from previous versions. (In that case, it will be shown as --:--:--). We're so sorry for this inconvenience. [*] Fix minor bugs. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44480882/bc10a6ad7568cf56a13892d778549e6514923376.jpg[/img] We're still working hard, and many new features will come soon. But first, let us know how long you will complete 100% :D Thank you DD