DEMO v1.06版本更新

大鹏 - The Roc

Due to work, Wu Shengyou was forced to leave home for high school in a big city. The sensitive, introverted poet felt out of place with classmates.As they grew closer, he seemed her only friend, yet appeared to completely misunderstand her inner thoughts...

亲爱的玩家朋友: 根据玩家反馈的信息,我们对DEMO中出现的bug进行了修复,并推送了v1.06版本更新,更新内容如下: [list] [*] 删除与F12(Steam截图键)冲突的功能按键; [*] 演出优化,隐藏了进入天台时的对话框; [*] 修正了背景音乐《降率的青羽》版本; [*] 修改了开始页面的排版,通过左下角按钮可以进入设置。 [/list] 本次更新不会影响正在进行的游戏以及游戏存档,更新大小为2.78MB,建议无脑更新。 祝您游戏愉快!