Demo update


A medieval fantasy VR RPG set in a massive open world with deep player progression, fast-paced physics-based combat, and classic RPG game mechanics reimagined for VR. Full dive into the world of RFVR, there's something here for everyone.

We decided it's time to release an update to the demo to give players a massive amount of new content. There really is too many updates to list but we'll highlight a few here, check it out and play what may be the largest VR demo on steam [b]Improved [/b] -Lighting -Performance -Combat physics -Just about everything [b]Added[/b] -'Arena' testing level -Hours of music/music biomes -Sounds and VFX -Weapons/Spells/Enemies -NPCs -Quests -Purchaseable homes -Tutorial -Follower Mercenaries and Adventure Parties -A Storyline -Challenges/Trials/More This is basically a full year's worth of updates, its worth giving it a try. As always we welcome any feedback and suggestions, -Omfgames