Demo the new game from the creators of Reigns!

[h3]Devious deeds are afoot at the gambling tables! [/h3] Attention Nobles! We’ve received word that a few of your guests may not be playing fair. The enigmatic [i]Comte de St. Germain[/i] and his quiet apprentice have been winning generous sums across France. What’s more is that the [i]Comte[/i] is investigating a mystery that goes as high as the King, Louis XV. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25720766/2a9f3bba4a92deb1bca579c70c77b4f4fae24f57.gif[/img][/url] They have perfected their techniques so the cheating goes unnoticed. However, I’ve heard that they can use sleight of hand, card marking, and secret signals to stack the deck in their favor. If you keep one eye on the cards and the other over your shoulder, you might have the wits to catch them in the act. There are few crimes lower than dishonesty at the table. If you catch them, I expect they'll receive severe punishment. [][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25720766/73c7a18308c7325b24480073306d7959e0dc3926.jpg[/img][/url] I imagine you'd like to learn more about their nefarious schemes. Please join us at our new Discord Server; the best place for Card Shark info. With this knowledge, I will trust these cards in your hands. [i]Jared & the Nerial Team[/i]