Demo Patch Notes 2024-02-11 (U0.1.3)

IN HEAT: Lustful Nights

Tired of your current job? Are you missing the thrill that made you truly appreciate life? The Diamond Straits has just what you have been looking for! Experience our many resorts, while getting a big paycheck at the same time. Work hard enough and you might just earn a VIP EXPERIENCE of your own!

We've just published a new update for the demo containing some minor bug fixes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [h1]Adjustments[/h1] [h3]Sound[/h3] [list] [*] Increased Volume of a Window Hit SFX [*] Decreased Volume of the Power Panel Sparks [*] Decreased Volume of the Power Panel Lever being flipped [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [h3]Subtitles[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed Subtitles sometimes lingering when returning back to the Title Screen [/list][h3]Saving[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed corrupted Save Data breaking the Title Screen [list] [*] Caused Title Screen Buttons to not work correctly [*] The corrupted Save Data will now be renamed and a new one is created [/list] [/list][h3]Microgames[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the main Microgame Outline being displayed when the Player is still in the respective Camera when the Microgame activates [list] [*] Relevant for Power Panel & Valve [*] Didn't allow interacting with the Power Panel Buttons until going out of the Camera and back in [/list] [/list]