Demo Patch

The Hundredth Hike

The Hundredth Hike is an Indie Psychological Horror game, living the story of you, as a mountain hiker, reliving your tragic past and finding the calm of the nature under your boots. Unaware of what lies before you, you unleash a powerful and mysterious truth.

[h2]Tips[/h2] [list] [*] Increased time displayed on screen from 15 to 25 seconds [*] Added a flashing animation after tip has been on screen for 15 seconds [/list] [h2]Sanity[/h2] [list] [*] Added more sanity events in house level [*] Added a sanity decrease when viewing forest creature [*] Added a pair of Scolazanine Tablets in forest level [/list] [h2]Subtitles[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the time displayed for most of the subtitles [/list] [h2]Textures[/h2] [list] [*] Changed textures on radio and monitors [/list] Edit: Updated again quickly to fix a few things I broke while updating WHOOPS lol <3