Demo hotfix 17/06/20


In Horribunnies, you get to pet, raise, and genetically engineer cute bwunnies~~ Will your bunny business become the sweetest or the most profitable?

Here's a lil changelog of what we just modified in the demo: [list] [*][b]Balance:[/b] The demo is now longer! Pâquerette shows up later to close the shop and you can get 3 extra minutes instead of 2! [*][b]Balance:[/b] Bunnies now poop a little less <3 [*][b]Balance:[/b] The requirement for the "Happy bunny" order is now more permissive! [*][b]Improvement:[/b] There is now a close button next to freshly snapped photos! [*][b]Fix:[/b] Fixed a little visual glitch on the bunnies' shadow :) [/list] Hope you're having a bunny blast with the demo :3