Demo Build


Unyielding is a NSFW D&D style adventure game. Catelly lost everything, wakes up in the gutter, and starts to take her life back. There will be lots of heroism, laughter, tears, and sex along the way.

Hello! There isn't a story update this week. What's going on is that the endings have a shared core. There is a male version and a female version. From there, they branch into their more specific endings. I've written the core sections, but none of the actual branches yet. So...I don't have anything to share yet. Please be patient and I'll get the first ending out next release for sure. In the mean time, I do have something to share from Unyielding 2! The combat demo is ready to be played. This is a demo, meaning it's incomplete, even for combat. It shows what the combat will be like in UY2, but expect many changes between now and the final version. Two quick things though. There is some stuff hinted at in the end of UY1. Some future character stuff. In particular, stuff that revolves around Fray. If you know what I mean, you probably won't find anything in the demo to be a spoiler. If you don't know what I mean, you might find some content in the demo to be a spoiler. The second thing is that this demo's splash screen says Fallen Down. That is going to be the Steam name of the game. The Patreon version will be Unyielding 2, and it will have it's own splash screen. So when the demo says Fallen Down, don't worry about that. It's really Unyielding 2, I just gotta hide that fact from prying eyes. Please give me feedback from the demo!