Demo 5.3 Patch Notes

Thank you to everyone who has played the Toads of the Bayou demo so far, we have made lots of changes and squashed many bugs from all of your feedback! 🐸 [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where gold could be reset instead of carried over between runs [*] Fixed a bug that prevented bosses dialogue from playing [*] Fixed a bug that prevented card previews from disappearing [*] Fixed a bug where players could skip discarding using a controller [*] Fixed a bug that automatically destroyed the Barricade placed from the Rise Up card [*] Fixed a bug that softlocked the game when playing Rise Up on a non-unit target [*] Fixed various controller navigation dead ends/unreachable objects [*] Completely changed the controller's combat navigation and how cards are played with a controller [*] Fixed a bug that multiplied triggers when loading an ongoing run [/list] [h1]Changes:[/h1] [list] [*] Added a text event outside the tavern with buyable modifiers when starting a new run [*] Lowered the price of Recruits [*] Changed Bartender's effect to "Apply 1 Stun to all enemies every time you play 8 cards in a single turn". [*] Changed Butcher's effect to "Gain 1 AP every 4 enemies you kill." [*] Changed Blacksmith's effect to "Gain 1 Block every 4 Stab." [*] Killing all required enemies does not freeze the mission's state anymore [*] Changed Veve Couteau's effect to "Gain 1 Strength and Stab 1". [*] Changed Veve Fusil's effect to "Gain 1 Accuracy and Shoot 1". [*] Added settings for VSync and FPS capping [*] Added settings to toggle parallax in the Tavern and in the Shops [*] Changed the pause menu's UI [*] Changed autosave triggers [*] Changed Mighty Tree's attack pattern and added variations [*] Changed Old Joe's attack pattern and added variations [*] Added visual feedback for Timed cards and other dynamic card changes [/list] If you want to give us feedback, please join our Discord: La Grange 🐸