Your spaceship crashed on an alien planet. Explore, salvage, craft, trade, manage and upgrade your way back home!
[b]Hey friends![/b] I continue to be absolutely, completely buried beneath a mountain of never-ending work. While I'm still here, my head poking out for a momentary breath of life-giving air, let me tell you about what's going on with Lost Nova lately!
[h3][b]He Has a Job for You[/b][/h3]
At some point along your journey, this little apple dude will show up. No one knows how, but we do know why! They'll charge you with the task of delivering packages to the peoples of this world.
Once you find the correct recipient in one of the local towns and deliver them their package, you may find a new friend in need of delivering a new package, thus continuing the cycle. In exchange for this service, you'll receive currency. Which is how jobs work.
[h3][b]Breaking Rocks: More Fun Than Ever[/b][/h3]
I figured that since shooting stuff with your laser is pretty much the main mechanic of the game, it'd be a good idea to go back and add some more feel and polish to it. Stuff you shoot now periodically pop out resources as you shoot it! They also do a little wiggle and puff out smoke. Like a little dance! Before being destroyed forever!
[h3][b]Until Next Time[/b][/h3]
That's all for now, I have to get back to work! Until next time, please take a second to [url=]wishlist the game,[/url] if you haven't already. It really helps me out and the Steam algorithm really likes it!