Degica Weekend Sale featuring JSS & ESCHATOS!


An alien menace has descended on Earth! Defend the world from UFO invasion in this superb arcade shooter from Qute. Use your weapons effectively, deflect enemy bullets with your shield, and recapture the Moon from alien infestation!

Degica is proud to announce that this weekend is the very first Degica Weekend Sale and that means all your favourite Degica games are on offer at never before seen discounts! And if you're a QUTE fan, not only do we have Eschatos on sale, but also Judgement Silversword too alongside a [url=]second hi score contest[/url] to celebrate leaderboards being implemented! [h1] Giveaway![/h1] We’re also running a giveaway this weekend with [b]$1000 in Steam Wallet Codes[/b] up for grabs! You can get all of details and enter here: