Deep Silver Plays - Gods Will Fall. Stream Saga Part 2

Gods Will Fall

The gods’ torturous rule over humanity has lasted for millennia. Bent on cruelty and suffering, they demand to be served with blind worship through an oath of fealty pledged from every man, woman and child. To those who don't submit to the gods’ will; a slow and merciless death awaits.

Gods Will Fall! They really will! It may take a few attempts though. Join Chris for Part 2 of our Gods Will Fall launch stream as he continues his legendary quest to slay 8 more of these malevolent Gods! After leaving behind Blair in Boadannu’s Realm, loosing Mavis in a doomed attempt to save her and launching Duff gracefully off a cliff, the party has dwindled to just 3. Can he bring this back, or will his journey end in ruin! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39206104/6fba463c092b9023e32b7cd70351bf77db283f61.png[/img]