Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa has been released on Steam!

Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa

Command a true operational structure. Can you balance and prioritize three different Theatres in order to achieve your objective?

The titanic struggle between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union is here! [b]Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa[/b], one of the most acclaimed wargames available for the Eastern Front, comes to Steam with its full array of innovative features and new elements! "Winner of Grogheads "Digital Wargame of the Year” award, liked by Rock Paper Shotgun and with a 'you need to play this game' advice from the Three Moves Ahead podcast, [b]Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa[/b] is not the usual turn-based wargame. Along with a highly accurate, historically-realistic setting, this title employs a vibrant Chain of Command system where your decisions truly impact all three Theatres of Operations. Although still crucial, war is no longer merely dependent on military skills. As the Germans you'll actually be summoned to Berlin to report to the Führer, you’ll have to personally discuss operations with top generals like Guderian and von Rundstedt and you’ll even be contacted by shady politicians like Goebbels and Göring. Playing the Soviet side you will be Stalin himself: fighting your own paranoia and using commissar Krushev to execute traitorous commanders. Today, the development studio VR Designs is proud to announce that this innovative masterpiece has been brought to Steam! For this important milestone, the game has been optimized and updated with numerous balance improvements and additions, included a new map artwork and counters! The divisions have been deployed, and orders have been sent. Now it’s up yo you, General! Can you balance your forces in three different Theatres in order to achieve your objective? Grab Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa now! [i] New to the game? Watch this series of amazing videos and tutorials![/i]